Growth Stories

We make big moves with our partners in growth.

We’ve driven real results for some of the most remarkable brands by plugging in to our partners’ team and optimizing every step of their growth journey.

We helped Invisibly, a Founders Fund-backed startup, increase app installs by 103% MoM.

We helped Invisibly, a Founders Fund startup, increase app installs by 103% MoM.

Arrow Down 65%
MoM decrease in CAC
Arrow Upnogood 84%
Organic website traffic
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  • Introducing JVN Complete Conditioning Mist
  • Introducing JVN Complete Conditioning Mist
We increased revenue for JVN Hair by 298% for Q1 2022 compared to Q4 2021

JVN Hair partnered with NoGood for their parent company’s largest product launch ever, where we increased revenue for Jonathan Van Ness by 298% for Q1 2022 Compared to Q4 2021.

Arrow Up 140%
Blended ROAS
Arrow Upnogood 298%
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We increased overall net sales in Q3 2023 by +35% through paid channel initiatives.

Arrow Down 49%
Decrease in Paid CAC
Arrow Upnogood 60%
Increase in Google Paid Search net sales
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We increased user sign-ups by 25% from Q3 to Q4 for Intuit.

We increased user sign-ups by 25% from Q3 to Q4 for Intuit.

Arrow Up 500%
500% Increase from trial sign-ups to active users
Arrow Upnogood 45%
Increase in trial sign-ups using persona-specific search ads
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More case studies

JVN Hair partnered with NoGood for their parent company’s largest product launch ever, where we increased revenue for Jonathan Van Ness...
Rivet is an open-source, cloud-based Ethereum API providing ironclad privacy, total simplicity, infinite scalability, and unparalleled ...
Ghostery is known for its popular browser extension that makes the web browsing experience faster, cleaner and safer by detecting and blocking...
Founded in 2011, Ventract started as a call center for property managers and authorities to help collect bids for jobs of all types —...
NoGood drove a YoY revenue increase of 333%, while maintaining a 6X ROAS.
We helped increase sign up rates by 69% organic traffic by 879%.