Ventract Case Study

Ventract Case Study

NoGood’s squad helped us unlock active participation on both sides — in just 6 months, we saw a 70% growth in contractor profiles and an 150% increase in property manager profiles.

Ronell Owens

CEO and Founder
Arrow Upnogood 90%
MoM increase in signup completions
Arrow Upnogood 70%
MoM increase in contractor participation/profiles
Arrow Upnogood 66%
MoM increase in signup conversion rate

Founded in 2011, Ventract started as a call center for property managers and authorities to help collect bids for jobs of all types — from large construction projects to small maintenance projects.

Discover how


In 2020, Ventract leveraged everything they’ve learned over the past decade to build and launch the next iteration of how their company operates today. Ventract has replaced the limited call center model with a scalable online marketplace that enables property managers to connect directly with contractors. For property managers, the service delivers streamlined to access contractors willing to bid and provides a central tool for organization. For contractors, Ventract opens a new channel for them to build their business and reputation.

The Challenge

  • Pivot from a relationship-driven operation to a scalable digital enterprise.
  • Build a two-sided marketing place in which growth on one side (listed bids) fuels growth on the other side (contractors to bid).
  • Quickly establish a supply and demand balance in their marketplace by creating predictable growth on both sides (contractors and listed bids).


Rapid full-funnel experimentation
Conversion rate optimization
Marketplace acquisition strategy
Content strategy
Design, UX, and copywriting
Campaign strategy
Creative copy and messaging
Performance Dashboards
Facebook and LinkedIn ads
Google Search, Bing ads


Identified the most critical audience to target and leverage for launch to ensure rapid growth.

Ran optimization tests on product pages and homepage and provided redesign, UX, and copywriting support to increase their efficacy.

Ran full-funnel experimentation across brand messaging and acquisition channels. Refined audience and location targeting to understand the right message, positioning, and demand.

Successfully rolled out a media plan for targeted audiences across Facebook, Google, and Bing with adapted creative.

Deployed an effective strategy for high intent, SEO-driven content creation.


The unique challenges presented with launching a dual-sided marketplace required a customized approach in discovery and strategy development.

For Ventract, it was critical to ensure healthy participation on both sides of the marketplace to achieve rapid growth. Through rapid experimentation and unique growth hacks, we saw a great MoM increase in participation on both sides of the marketplace, marking a 70% growth in contractor profiles and a 150% growth in property manager profiles.

The growth extended beyond the top of the funnel. Since September 2020, when our partnership officially began, we saw a 90% MoM increase in signup conversions, as well as another 66% MoM increase in the signup conversion rate.

An essential element of compounding growth for Ventract was the contractors’ and project managers’ experience on the website. After the end-to-end audit, redesign and optimization of Ventract’s website, we achieved significant improvements in website behavior: the average session duration increased by 37% along with an

Arrow Upnogood 90%
MoM increase in signup completions
Arrow Upnogood 70%
MoM increase in contractor participation/profiles
Arrow Upnogood 66%
MoM increase in signup conversion rate

Performance Visualized

MoM Increase in Sign Up Completions
MoM Increase in Contractor Participation
MoM Increase in Sign Up Conversion


Mostafa Elbermawy

Growth Lead

Mark Arpaia

Growth Strategist

Ben Kuriakose

Growth Marketing Manager

Eugene Vaysberg

Growth Marketing Manager

Alek Prus

Growth Marketing Analyst

Claudia Yuan

Creative Designer