30 Top LinkedIn Ad Examples to Inspire You in 2024

30 Top LinkedIn Ad Examples to Inspire You in 2024

Excel in LinkedIn advertising with exemplary ad campaigns. Learn from the best practices and creative strategies showcased here.

Nov 4, 2022

Did you know that LinkedIn’s advertising revenue grew by 46% in the third quarter of 2022, making it one of the fastest-growing advertising platforms? As we move towards 2024, it’s clear that LinkedIn is a platform that should not be ignored in any business’s marketing strategy.

This blog post showcases the top 30 LinkedIn ad examples for 2024, highlighting best practices in design, copywriting, and targeting to help brands engage with their target audience and drive results. With the ability to tailor ads to reach specific job titles and companies, LinkedIn ads provide a valuable opportunity for businesses to promote their brand on this unique platform.

If you’re considering advertising on LinkedIn, you may wonder what the benefits are. We’ve outlined the key advantages below:

  • Reach a professional audience: LinkedIn users are older, more educated, and have higher incomes than other social platforms.
  • Target accurately: With access to accurate demographics and skills, you can target your ads based on factors such as job titles, locations, industry, and level of education.
  • Use a variety of ad formats: LinkedIn offers a range of formats, from videos to images and text, including document ads, carousel ads, and email ads.
  • Nurture leads: LinkedIn’s lead accelerator feature allows you to track and target high-value prospects with more personalized ads.

We create scroll-stopping, authentic content that meets your audience where they are. Contact our paid social specialists to move your audience through the funnel.

To create an effective LinkedIn ad, it’s important to have a clear strategy that informs, conveys value, or identifies a pain point for your target audience. Your ad should aim to elicit a visceral response and prompt action. With LinkedIn’s latest format, document ads, prospects can download your e-book or case study directly within their LinkedIn feed. We’ll also explore video ads, single-image ads, and carousels in our list of the 30 best LinkedIn ad examples to inspire you in 2024. Let’s take a look!

1. Grin


Ad Format: Document

Ad Objective: Thought Leadership

Industry: B2B

Visuals: Using contrasting colors in the headline and strategic graphics at the end of each bullet point makes the ad eye-catching and visually appealing.

Call-to-Action (CTA): “Unlock Full Document”

Key Takeaway: This document ad is an excellent example of how to engage your audience on LinkedIn. By presenting valuable information visually appealingly, the ad captures the prospect’s attention and provides a clear path to accessing the full document. Using a strong CTA helps drive conversions and increase the ad’s overall effectiveness.

2. Chili Piper


Ad Format: Video

Ad Objective: Lead Generation

Industry: B2B

Visuals: The video ad seamlessly blends in with the user’s feed by using a white background.

Call-to-Action (CTA): “Learn more”

Key Takeaway: Chili Piper has created an excellent lead generation ad with this eye-catching video. As you scroll through your feed, the video breaks through with a sign that demands your attention. The ad’s clever design makes it appear organic and non-intrusive before quickly clarifying its objective and brand identity. Overall, a great brand awareness campaign play that effectively grabs the viewer’s attention and entices them to “learn more”.

3. Gong


Ad Format: Document Ad

Ad Objective: Thought Leadership

Industry: B2B

Visuals: Gong’s ad creative effectively uses branded colors and includes a hook in the envelope, which is a clever way to grab the attention of prospects. The “get the guide” CTA is well-placed and stands out nicely in the ad.

Call-to-Action (CTA): “Download”

Key Takeaway: Gong leverages the power of their unique data point – 304,174 – to showcase their platform’s ability to capture and analyze every customer interaction. This not only proves Gong’s expertise to the target audience but also offers a valuable solution beyond just offering the best cold call email templates. The ad conveys that the target audience can create epic cold call emails with Gong, which is a compelling value proposition for any sales professional.

4. Mixpanel


Ad Format: Video

Ad Objective: Lead Generation

Industry: B2B

Visuals: This promotional video offers a glimpse of the platform’s key features while leaving room for the potential customer to explore further on their own terms. The headline underscores this flexibility, and the CTA to register simplifies the process.

Call-to-Action (CTA): “Register”

Key Takeaway: Asking for a demo is a significant commitment, as prospects need to schedule an appointment with a company representative and engage in a conversation. During the conversation, prospects may be sold on the idea that the platform can solve all their problems.

To better cater to modern consumers’ preferences, we recognize that people like to consume content at their own pace and on their own terms. We believe that when the time is right, prospects will take the initiative to sign up and explore the platform further.

Want to start with LinkedIn ad campaigns but not sure where to start?

5. Glassdoor


Ad Format: Single-Image

Ad Objective: Demand Creation

Industry: B2C

Visuals: This ad is short and to the point, with a bold headline that catches the eye and reinforces the pain point. The copy is effective in driving the message home.

Call-to-Action (CTA): “Learn more”

Key Takeaway: By recognizing a common pain point and addressing it directly, this ad is able to resonate with its target audience. Everyone wants to be paid fairly, and this ad taps into that desire.

6. Outreach


Ad Format: Single-Image

Ad Objective: Demand Creation

Industry: B2B

Visuals: The bold text and specific pain point appeal to the target audience, while the on-demand version is a convenient way for them to consume and share the content.

Call-to-Action (CTA): “Learn more”

Key Takeaway: This ad speaks directly to the pain point of sales professionals and positions the company as an expert in solving this problem. By offering valuable content that is relevant to its target audience, the company can generate leads while also building its brand.

7. MetaData.io


Ad Format: Video

Ad Objective: Thought Leadership

Industry: B2B

Visuals: This ad takes a strong position and delivers on its promise by providing valuable insights and a customized landing page. The conversation is also available for those who want to follow along.

Call-to-Action (CTA): “Learn more”

Key Takeaway: By focusing on providing value and positioning themselves as experts in the entire marketing funnel, this company can stand out in a crowded market. By not gating their content, they can build trust and credibility with their audience, leading to better results in the long run.

8. Notion


Ad Format: Document

Ad Objective: Thought Leadership

Industry: B2B / B2C

Visuals: The illustrated individual pointing to the words draws your eye to the highlighted text. When you hover over the ad, you’ll find the CTA for download, but more importantly, another reason why you should click on the ad. When the prospect clicks on the ad, they are greeted with a lead form.

Call-to-Action (CTA): “Download”

Key Takeaway: What do I get out of this ad? 3 viable ways to add structure to your documentation. In a split second, we understand the added value that Notion is trying to provide. Because why do you need 3 steps to support your documentation? You probably don’t have a structured system for documentation. They know their audience.

9. Asana


Ad Format: Single-Image

Ad Objective: Lead Generation

Industry: B2B

Visuals: The dashboard helps prospects visualize how the product can help their teams achieve their goals. The headline could use a little TLC, with some social proof or even calling out a specific pain point. The text above the ad is enough to get to the point quickly.

Call-to-Action (CTA): “Sign Up”

Key Takeaway: Asana shows how its system can be valuable to the potential customer from many angles, but they are highlighting the key pain point for businesses in the era of remote work.

10. EY


Ad Format: Carousel

Ad Objective: Thought Leadership

Industry: B2B

Visuals: Each carousel image highlights key points the reader can learn. The copy reflects the concerns of the prospect. The creative gives some indication of the subjects discussed on the landing page.

Call-to-Action (CTA): “Learn more”

Key Takeaway: At the time of this writing, the Inflation Control Act has just been enacted. It is a turbulent time, not only for individuals but also for businesses. How will this affect the overall economy? Time will tell, but EY offers the first steps toward guidance.

11. Salesforce


Ad Format: Carousel

Ad Objective: Demand Creation

Industry: B2B

Visuals: Salesforce balances bold visuals with casual language to deliver a well-tailored message from the copy to the creative. This ad reads playfully, “make every moment magic,” but is also informative.

Call-to-Action (CTA): “Learn more”

Key Takeaway: The message is not lost in the bold colors and smiling faces; it’s reinforced as it makes the content digestible and appealing.

12. HubSpot


Ad Format: Document

Ad Objective: Thought Leadership

Industry: B2B

Visuals: Contrasted creative, statistics to reinforce, and a well-placed CTA.

Call-to-Action (CTA): “Download”

Key Takeaway: Some of the best blogs are never read. Why is that, really? Either because the individual was unaware of the blog’s existence or nothing prompted them to spend valuable time reading it. There is a solution to this problem.

Often, marketers want to bury their best content behind a catchy headline and deep within an article, blog, etc. We hope the target audience will hang on every line and read every word we have labored over. The fact is that the average reach of Click-Through Rate (CTR) can range from 2% to 5%. Let us say 100,000 people read the ad. 5% clicked, and maybe 1% read your article. Not bad.

But you see, this is the fundamental problem. Assuming you are targeting the right audience, the goal is to get the message across. Optimize for the 95% who want to consume the content in their feed. It might be worth giving away the best information, just like HubSpot.

Better yet, this pristine use of the document ad allows the audience to download these key insights without leaving the platform.

13. Design Pickle


Ad Format: Video

Ad Objective: Demand Creation

Industry: B2B

Visuals: TikTok creator roasts Design Pickle’s logo.

Call-to-Action (CTA): “Learn more”

Key Takeaway: Design Pickle’s experimental approach and willingness to take criticism is admirable. The TikTok video breaks from the usual scrolling experience and leaves a lasting impression. This strategy can effectively capture your target audience’s attention and build brand awareness.

14. Wix.com


Ad Format: Single-Image

Ad Objective: Lead Generation

Industry: B2B

Visuals: Wix.com illustrates marketers’ pain points using emojis.

Call-to-Action (CTA): “Sign Up”

Key Takeaway: Marketers immediately understand the presented pain point, making the original post relatable and engaging. The outlined colors and clear call to action help the post stand out. For those who cannot write code, publishing deadlines often depend on a development team, causing bottlenecks. By addressing this pain point, Wix.com shows that it understands its target audience’s challenges and offers a solution.

15. Stripe


Ad Format: Video

Ad Objective: Lead Generation

Industry: B2B

Visuals: Stripe’s ad highlights the significant statistics of “35% conversion rate boost”.

Call-to-Action (CTA): “Learn more”

Key Takeaway: Stripe’s ad is effective in targeting its range of customers, from solopreneurs to enterprises, by offering insights that help customers make simple adjustments. This educational approach is a long-term strategy to build trust and credibility with prospects. Stripe knows what its target audience is looking for and offers solutions that are easy to implement. By providing this helpful content, Stripe positions itself as a thought leader and builds brand loyalty.

16. Mailchimp


Ad Format: Video

Ad Objective: Demand Creation

Industry: B2B

Visuals: Intuit Mailchimp’s video grabs attention.

Call-to-Action (CTA): “Learn more”

Key Takeaway: The menacing eyes in the video grab the viewer’s attention, and the tagline, “The #1 Email Marketing & Automation Brand,” is effective in establishing the brand’s credibility. The short length of the video is also a plus, as it keeps the viewer engaged and interested.

17. Drift


Ad Format: Document

Ad Objective: Thought Leadership

Industry: B2B

Visuals: Drift’s bold ad headline captivates.

Call-to-Action (CTA): “Download”

Key Takeaway: Although the ad has nothing to do with the platform itself, Drift has built a following of marketers and salespeople through content like this. By offering informative resources, Drift positions itself as a trusted authority in its industry. This long-term strategy builds brand credibility and trust, which can result in increased sales and customer loyalty. Drift’s content library has become its primary resource for thought leadership and establishes the brand as a top choice for chatbots.

18. Shopify


Ad Format: Video

Ad Objective: Lead Generation

Industry: B2B / B2C

Visuals: Shopify’s promotional video showcases the entrepreneurial journey in a captivating way. It features individuals from different backgrounds working hard to build their businesses, and the video concludes with people celebrating their first sales. This creates an emotional connection with the viewer.

Call-to-Action (CTA): “Sign Up”

Key Takeaway: Shopify’s video is similar to Nike’s motivational videos that make customers feel they can achieve greatness with their product. The video’s emotional appeal and social proof make it clear that Shopify is the right choice for launching an eCommerce business.

19. Dell EMC


Ad Format: Single-Image

Ad Objective: Thought Leadership

Industry: B2B

Visuals: The ad copy specifically targets mid-size to smaller companies, making it easy for the reader to determine if the content is relevant to them.

Call-to-Action (CTA): “Learn more”

Key Takeaway: Cybersecurity is a significant concern in the United States, and the ad effectively entices readers to attend a webinar on threat hunting. The text accurately conveys the content, making it appear that attendees are learning from a cybersecurity expert.

20. Tableau Software


Ad Format: Document

Ad Objective: Thought Leadership

Industry: B2B

Visuals: The call to action is straightforward, and the headline clearly states what readers can expect from the whitepaper.

Call-to-Action (CTA): “Download”

Key Takeaway: Tableau is a powerful analytics tool, and the whitepaper provides valuable insights into using the platform effectively. The ad’s design and message are tailored to those who may feel overwhelmed when using the software.

21. WeWork


Ad Format: Single-Image

Ad Objective: Lead Generation

Industry: B2B

Visuals: The ad’s bright colors and contrasting text make it eye-catching, and the “2 months free” offer stands out. The “Q4” reference encourages prospects to act before the offer expires.

Call-to-Action (CTA): “Learn more”

Key Takeaway: The offer of two free months is a compelling promotion unlikely to result in churn after the offer ends. The ad’s design and message aim to encourage prospects to sign up before the end of the year.

22. Scribe Media


Ad Format: Single-Image

Ad Objective: Lead Generation

Industry: B2C

Visuals: The ad’s use of contrasting colors and the statement “All without typing” captures attention. The “Become an Author” call to action is prominent, and the “modern way of writing a book” tagline conveys the current trend in the publishing industry.

Call-to-Action (CTA): “Learn more”

Key Takeaway: Scribe Media’s target audience is individuals with a story to tell but may not know how to organize their ideas effectively. The ad’s creative message appeals to those who want to write a book without the struggle of typing it out.

23. UserGems


Ad Format: Single-Image

Ad Objective: Demand Creation

Industry: B2B

Visuals: UserGems’ ad copy lists the information a sales representative needs to follow up, and social proof is provided by listing Gong and Drift as notable customers. The value proposition is clear in the bottom text.

Call-to-Action (CTA): “Learn more”

Key Takeaway: The ad’s design and message are tailored to sales representatives, highlighting the ease of using UserGems’ service. The social proof provided by Gong and Drift adds credibility to the ad’s claims. The simple screenshot showcases how the service works.

24. ServiceNow


Ad Format: Document

Ad Objective: Lead Generation

Industry: B2B

Visuals: The main point and CTA stand out due to the contrasting colors. The top headline clearly explains how the system works. However, the bottom copy needs tweaking to reinforce the value proposition.

Call-to-Action (CTA): “Download”

Key Takeaway: The ad highlights how challenging it is to maintain protection against cyber threats. The design effectively emphasizes this point, attracting potential customers to learn more from the document provided.

25. Semrush


Ad Format: Single-Image

Ad Objective: Lead Generation

Industry: B2B

Visuals: The ad features bold colors, but they are well-balanced. The yellow is eye-catching, and the call to action is strategically placed.

Call-to-Action (CTA): “Sign Up”

Key Takeaway: Semrush positions itself as a leader in the marketing industry, which allows them to captivate potential customers with valuable content, creating demand. The ad starts with a question that appeals to emotions, which serves as an effective hook.

26. Litmus


Ad Format: Single-Image

Ad Objective: Thought Leadership

Industry: B2B

Visuals: Litmus emphasizes the value of GIFs and includes social proof indicating that 51% of marketers use them in their marketing. The illustration serves as a vital visual cue.

Call-to-Action (CTA): “Learn more”

Key Takeaway: GIFs are ubiquitous in communication platforms, and the ad’s visual element captures the viewer’s attention. The caption’s text provides further information, highlighting Litmus’s value.

27. Wistia


Ad Format: Single-Image

Ad Objective: Lead Generation

Industry: B2B

Visuals: Wistia showcases each value proposition in one single image, and the creative copy reinforces this. The text addresses typical questions that arise when starting a new advertising campaign.

Call-to-Action (CTA): “Learn more”

Key Takeaway: Wistia’s ad focuses on one value proposition, which is a challenging feat. By highlighting the product’s most-used features, Wistia provides all the necessary information for potential customers to understand the product’s value.

28. Figma


Ad Format: Carousel

Ad Objective: Demand Creation

Industry: B2B

Visuals: The ad’s bright colors, highlighted text, and emojis stand out on LinkedIn. The creative headline emphasizes a pain point, and the CTA is consistent across the ad.

Call-to-Action (CTA): “Learn more”

Key Takeaway: The creative headline draws on a workplace struggle, making it relatable to potential customers. The emojis and colors add fun to the ad, while the headline elaborates on the phenomenon.

29. Fiverr


Ad Format: Carousel

Ad Objective: Lead Generation

Industry: B2B

Visuals: The carousel images’ backgrounds complement each other, and the creative copy is clear and contrasted. The use of data adds credibility, and the CTA pulls the reader to the next tip. The headline is concise.

Call-to-Action (CTA): “Sign Up”

Key Takeaway: Fiverr uses the carousel to invite its audience to learn five copywriting tips backed by science. By emphasizing “science-backed,” Fiverr establishes credibility for its following slides. This strategy is a way to inform freelancers, leading to better services, more clients, and increased business growth.

30. Zapier


Ad Format: Video

Ad Objective: Lead Generation

Industry: B2B

Visuals: The Zapier video is a prime example of notification overload.

Call-to-Action (CTA): “Learn more”

Key Takeaway: The video targets individuals who spend countless hours doing repetitive tasks that do not increase profits. The ad validates the prospect’s pain point by stating that “you are much more than just work” and positions Zapier as a solution. The free offer increases the user’s likelihood of exploring and trying the solution.

Final Thoughts

These 30 best LinkedIn ad examples showcase how creative and strategic thinking can help businesses effectively advertise on the platform. With its unique positioning as a social platform for professionals, LinkedIn offers a great opportunity for brands to position themselves as thought leaders in their respective categories and build community engagement where their target audience spends time.

The targeting capabilities on LinkedIn are unparalleled, making it a go-to platform for B2B marketers. By incorporating some of these creative and strategic elements into your own advertising, you can capture the attention of your prospects and educate them to the point of sale. So, take inspiration from these examples and start building your successful LinkedIn ad campaign today!

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Theano Dimitrakis
Theano is a Director of Growth with experience in marketing analytics, client management, and brand strategy for startup companies.


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