Steer Case Study

Steer Case Study

The growth squad model helped us stay agile yet laser-focused in achieving key metrics and growth objectives. NoGood is quick and consistent in delivering top and middle funnel growth.

Sonya Harbaugh

CEO & Co-Founder
Arrow Upnogood 600%
Arrow Upnogood 320%
Conversion Rate
Arrow Upnogood 37%
MoM Growth

Steer partnered with NoGood to introduce a new way for car shoppers to procure a vehicle — through subscription. The launch was focused to the metro-DC area, and the initial learnings served as a blueprint for market expansion.

Discover how


Steer is an electric car monthly subscription service that offers drivers an alternative to buying or leasing.

A Steer membership includes insurance, maintenance, roadside assistance, and the ability
to swap between various models from brands like Tesla, Porsche, Audi, and more.

The Challenge

  • Just like owning or leasing a car, a Steer subscription is a capital intensive purchase.
  • Car subscriptions are a new category, so consumers require some education to fully understand the value and benefits.
  • Steer offers three unique plans, each at its own price point, attracting different audiences.
  • Applicants must be approved based on past driving record and credit score to access the subscription.


Idea validation and discovery
Growth financial model
Landing page building
Rapid product/MVP prototyping
Market and competition research
Persona and UX analysis
Full funnel analytics and journey tracking
Influencer Marketing
Content Partnerships
Media Management


NoGood helped Steer achieve their six-figure MRR goal two months ahead of schedule.

NoGood achieved Steer’s six-figure MRR goal two months ahead of schedule.
Through rapid full-funnel experimentation and narrowing acquisition targeting, we were able to scale up an efficient growth marketing process and maintain a healthy LTV/CAC ratio during various stages of growth.

Additionally, our content marketing strategy increased Steer organic traffic by over 600% through strategic keyword targeting and SEO, setting them up for continued, sustainable growth.

Arrow Upnogood 600%
Arrow Upnogood 320%
Conversion Rate
Arrow Upnogood 37%
MoM Growth

Performance Visualized

Increase in Site Traffic
Increase in Conversion Rate
MoM Growth

How Steer Grew 3X in 6 Month with CEO, Sonya Harbaugh

Sign Up Flow Completion (Aug’19 – Dec’19)


Mark Arpaia

Performance media and growth strategist

Claudia Yuan

Creative Growth Designer

Queenie Leung

Sr. Growth Strategist

Dan Mills

Vice President of Client Growth

Mostafa Elbermawy

CEO & Growth Lead