

The US market has been a major challenge for us, but we've found the NoGood team to be a passionate partner that really understands the digital funnel from top to bottom. Our acquisition and retention numbers are continuing to improve every month.

Carlo Carli

General Manager
Arrow Upnogood 350%
New Customer Revenue
Arrow Upnogood 50%
Existing Customer Revenue
Arrow Upnogood 6x


Founded in 1911, Fratelli Carli has been producing exceptional Italian food for over a century, most well known for its high-quality olive oil. They’re currently the second-largest olive oil producer in Italy.

The Challenge

  • Previous Fratelli Carli campaigns in the US resulted in consumers with an addiction to offers and discounts, which led to low margins and retention rates.
  • Consumers typically shopped for gourmet food offline and were hesitant to purchase higher-cost new products without trying them.
  • Fratelli Carli had minimal brand recognition in the US market, especially compared to Europe.



Campaign Strategy
Creative copy and messaging
Designs support for the various platforms
Media analytics and executive performance dashboard
Facebook and Instagram Ads
Google Search, Shopping, and Display
Bing Search and Shopping
Email and CRM
Influencer marketing
Podcast and Spotify Ads


Audited both tech and media stack to quickly address the high impact low effort fixes.

Tested multiple new personas and activation offers to gather insights into new audiences.


Designed personalized retention loops through emails, search, social, and retargeting to increase the LTV of US customers.

Analyzed the interests, psychographics, and various affinities of existing Fratelli Carli customers.

Rapidly experimented with brand messaging and product display across all channels to significantly decrease the CAC of new customers.


Overall, 2020 media has resulted in Fratelli Carli seeing a ROAS of 6x.

After initial onboarding (where the primary focus was fixing tech stack and tracking), Fratelli Carli saw massive improvements in new customer acquisition, seeing a YoY increase in new client revenue of over 350% between April and September.

As client goals shifted to retention in the second half of 2020, the NoGood squad shifted tactics and increased Q3 existing customer revenue by over 50% YoY.

Arrow Upnogood 350%
New Customer Revenue
Arrow Upnogood 50%
Existing Customer Revenue
Arrow Upnogood 6x

How Fratelli Carli Increased New User Revenue By Over 350% YoY


Mark Arpaia

Growth Strategist

Claudia Yuan

Creative Designer

Queenie Leung

Growth Lead

Dan Mills

VP of Client Partnerships