Zepp Clarity Case Study

Zepp Clarity Case Study

We identified pain points for different user personas and optimized website landing pages with social proof, strategic pricing, and user journey funneling. By leveraging these insights with rapid experimentation and analytics, we saw a 207% (MoM) increase in leads while driving Cost Per Lead down by 67%.

Arrow Upnogood 180%
QoQ increase for hearing assessments and sample kits
Arrow Upnogood 766%
QoQ increase in Zepp Clarity One purchases
Arrow Downnogood 67%
QoQ decrease in Cost Per Lead

NoGood broke Zepp Clarity into the US market and increased purchases by 766% QoQ in 2023.

Discover how


Zepp Clarity, a Division of Zepp Health, is a global smart wearable health technology brand. Zepp Clarity focuses on empowering health, fitness, and well-being with hearing technology. Their flagship product, Zepp Clarity One, is a smart hearing aid designed for any lifestyle to offer a total system for high-performance hearing. Constructed to be virtually invisible and easy to use, these discreet, rechargeable and adjustable hearing aids help users hear better, work better, and communicate better.

The Challenge

  • Break into the US market and establish a strong presence and trust as a new product and brand
  • Successfully launch the brand to a new market within a niche vertical
  • Overcome advertising limitations due to restrictions around the health industry
  • Develop branding for Zepp Clarity that effectively communicates its value proposition of smart hearing aids while creating consumer trust for a new brand
  • Reach high-intent audiences with a specific interest in smart hearing aids to increase content-generation and content-assisted inbound leads
  • Implement overall lead tracking, funnel automation, and mid-funnel management


Growth Acquisition – paid media, SEO, CRO to drive leads
Conversion Rate Optimization and Website UX/UI Analysis
Performance marketing – paid media (CPL, Conversion Rate)
Performance creative
Product-market fit validation
Channel and value prop experimentation


Implemented a persona-specific acquisition strategy by identifying 4 distinct customer personas and targeting them with bespoke creatives and landing pages, then A/B testing creative headlines and CTAs to drive engagement

Conducted conversion rate optimization and UI/UX improvements for the homepage and individual product pages. Redesigned the website in order to increase engagement and acquisition, adding social proof on key landing pages to highlight the value of Zepp Clarity One and its impact on users’ lives.

Deployed growth acquisition tactics to create a new digital marketing funnel that leverages a cross-channel marketing mix, capturing intent in the moment that matters for each individual user.

Conducted A/B testing to determine product market fit, optimize product price point, and ensure competitiveness.

Refined messaging at each stage of the funnel to drive users to convert through sample kits, audiologists appointments, hearing assessments or purchases.

Implemented lead generation campaigns to quickly engage contacts and continue to generate qualified leads


Through conversion rate optimization, UX/UI updates, a brand new information architecture, and a holistic performance marketing strategy, NoGood was able to successfully break Zepp into the US market.

In Q4 of 2023 we saw a 665.14% increase in users and a 13.82% reduction in bounce rate on the website. By seamlessly integrating with Zepp Clarity’s internal marketing team, we built on and evolved the company’s channel strategy across various channels, including paid search, social, and display, which allowed us to reach multiple segmented personas based on demographic and interest-based characteristics. This resulted in a 341% increase in paid search traffic, 40% increase in organic search traffic, 548% increase in paid social traffic, and 1577% increase in display compared to the previous quarter.

We identified pain points for different user personas and optimized website landing pages with social proof, strategic pricing, and user journey funneling. By leveraging these insights with rapid experimentation and analytics, we saw a 207% (MoM) increase in leads while driving Cost Per Lead down by 67%. These efforts paid off as we saw a resulting 766% increase in hearing aid purchases quarter-over-quarter. The surge in leads and +193% increase in ROAS are strong indicators of the successful partnership with Zepp in scaling efforts to reach out to their target segments.

Arrow Upnogood 180%
QoQ increase for hearing assessments and sample kits
Arrow Upnogood 766%
QoQ increase in Zepp Clarity One purchases
Arrow Downnogood 67%
QoQ decrease in Cost Per Lead


Queenie Leung

Sr. Growth Strategist

Nicole Teh

Growth Strategist

Jared Glassman

Growth Marketing Manager

Joe Sanders

Growth Analyst

Scott Katz

Creative Lead