CheckSammy Case Study

CheckSammy Case Study

From audience planning to creative messaging to landing pages and post-lead automations, they all need to work together in order to be successful. NoGood took that holistic approach to tie it all together and present a consistent experience in the market and on-site.

Jake Soroka - Checksammy

Jake Soroka

Chief Marketing Officer, CheckSammy
Arrow Downnogood 163%
B2B cost per lead
Arrow Upnogood 158%
B2B qualified leads
Arrow Upnogood 32%
Paid media spend saved through optimizations

NoGood was tapped by CheckSammy as the growth marketing agency to help acquire more qualified leads while decreasing the cost per lead. We increased lead generation by 158% from Q1 to Q2 for a leading B2B brand.

Discover how


CheckSammy offers on-demand, nationwide, same day bulk waste removal and sustainability solutions. With a primary focus on B2B companies, CheckSammy offers their partners an affordable and easy solution to take care of their waste emergencies whenever they need it.

CheckSammy spans clients from multi-family residential properties to retailers, restaurants, and more, offering a “cheap when you need us, free when you don’t” solution for waste removal.

The Challenge

We worked closely with CheckSammy to help acquire more qualified leads while decreasing their cost per lead. CheckSammy needed a scalable user acquisition strategy, conversion rate optimization opportunities, and a clear execution strategy for their SEO presence.


Growth Acquisition – Paid media, SEO, CRO
Channel and value prop experimentation
Creative experimentation


Implemented a persona specific targeting and acquisition strategy, by identifying key value propositions, pain points and gain creators for each target persona. This strategy allowed us to acquire users through Meta, Google Search, Bing, Twitter, and that found value in the product.

Leveraged creative experimentation to A/B test copy, creative, and landing pages per cohort to understand what combination led to the most qualified leads and created a strategy to further scale.

Coupled our acquisition strategy with a supportive SEO strategy that yielded tremendous organic growth through Q2.

Diversified budget across multiple paid media channels including and A/B tested to identify which channels were optimal for scale.


We decreased B2B cost per lead by 163% through an acquisition strategy based on deep persona mapping and value proposition experimentation.

This included testing cohorts, understanding user personas, and having continuous conversion rate optimization strategies including landing page A/B testing, optimizing CTAs, and using data to understand the customer journey. 

The NoGood team used their understanding of these specific personas to drive sign ups which resulted in a 158% increase from Q1 to Q2. Through constant creative experimentation, we identified which creative, copy, and landing pages provided the best combination of qualified leads and continued to optimize in order to scale.

Arrow Downnogood 163%
B2B cost per lead
Arrow Upnogood 158%
B2B qualified leads
Arrow Upnogood 32%
Paid media spend saved through optimizations



Gayana Sarkisova

Sr. Growth Strategist

Barbie Jarbi

Growth Strategist

Eamonn Frys

Senior Growth Marketing Manager

Jared Glassman

Growth Marketing Manager

Ryan Sylvestre

Growth Marketing Manager

Scott Katz

Creative Lead