Bytedance Case Study

Bytedance Case Study

The NoGood squad relentlessly and patiently challenged our approach to various inbound activities, and completely changed how we think about lead generation via content marketing and automation. They also showed us a new, more effective rhythm around approaching, tracking, and nurturing prospects.

Jasmine W.

Director of Growth Marketing
Arrow Upnogood 879%
Organic Traffic
Arrow Upnogood 69%
Sign Up Rate
Arrow Upnogood 3x
Keyword Rankings

We helped increase sign up rates by 69% organic traffic by 879%.

Discover how


Lark is the next-gen workspace for teams built by Bytedance. The new take on an office suite combines all the essential team collaboration tools, from messaging and video conferencing, to schedule management and cloud storage – all in a single interconnected platform. These functions are always in sync, allowing Lark to deliver a seamless user experience for the modern enterprise.

The Challenge

  • The client was operating with an obsolete marketing/analytics stack.
  • The client’s brand positioning was becoming increasingly challenged.
  • The client was facing increased competition in the market.
  • Due to all of the above, Bytedance saw a steady decline in inbound traffic, qualified leads, and a significant increase in CAC.


Landing page building
Market and competition research
Persona and UX analysis
Conversion Rate Optimization
Full-funnel analytics and journey tracking
SEO & Content Marketing
Facebook and Instagram Ads
Google and Bing Ads
Content Partnerships
Influencer Marketing


Audited current tech and analytics stack to identify tracking and reporting gaps and historical data across the funnel

Reviewed existing funnel journeys and touch points to ensure proper implementation of tracking scripts, custom events, and triggers

Defined lead journey patterns by channel, source, first touchpoint, and deal size

Designed and implemented an end-to-end automation and personalization map with funnel stage definitions, trigger points, and automation/personalization variables

Built a lead cohort analysis by touchpoint/s, source, medium, and deal size

Reviewed and optimized tracking schema around digital strategy and content campaigns

Built an executive dashboard showing leads and opportunities by exact marketing sources and campaigns illustrating marketing ROI to leadership


Through conversion rate optimization, UX/UI updates, a brand new information architecture, as well as a content and SEO strategy, NoGood was able to support our client in their effort to break into the US market.

Conversion Rate Optimization and UX/UI: NoGood took on the redesign of the complete US site. From the homepage all the way through product pages, the About Us page, pricing, and more. Pages were created to optimize conversion rate and deliver a next-level user experience.

Information Architecture and Content Mapping: The first thing we noticed about the current website was the structure needed an update. In order to develop an effective customer journey, we built out a navigation structure developed to deliver the optimal experience from a content and SEO standpoint.

Conversion Rate Optimization: We significantly decreased time spent per SQL through automated lead filtration, personalized email workflows, and meeting scheduling automation.

Arrow Upnogood 879%
Organic Traffic
Arrow Upnogood 69%
Sign Up Rate
Arrow Upnogood 3x
Keyword Rankings

Performance Visualized

69% Sign Up Rate Increase
38% Funnel Efficiency Improvement (Visit to SQL)


Mostafa Elbermawy

Growth Lead

Mark Arpaia

Growth Marketing Manager

Claudia Yuan

Creative Designer

Queenie Leung

Growth Strategist

Dan Mills

VP of Client Partnerships